
Statement by Friends of Adeline after the gun violence that took Sereinet’e Henderson’s life

We, the Friends of Adeline, strongly urge the Berkeley City Council to collaborate with neighboring cities and public safety organizations to reduce gun violence spilling into Berkeley. The tragic deaths and recent shootings in our city underscore the lack of critical public safety investments in community services. Four years ago the community came together to address the need for anti-gun violence organizers who respectfully work with communities to deescalate tensions and violence. The city took no action.

The gun violence that took Sereinet’e Henderson’s life must be addressed with anti-violence policies and programs that care about the neighborhoods and people affected; and not lead to further traumatization. Berkeley Police Chief Andrew Greenwood’s inability to meaningfully engage respectfully and collaboratively with Black and Brown communities of color in Berkeley only illustrates why we have no confidence in his leadership. He has been unable to address and implement equitable public safety actions and behaviors that respect the needs of our diverse communities.

This statement was originally written November 10, 2020.